Sabtu, 23 April 2011 Saturday, 23rd April 2011 Jam 10 pagi s/d selesai From 10 am - finish
Cupcake hias Decorated Cupcake
Materi Outline : 1. Membuat cupcake Baking cupcake 2. Membuat ganache utk topping, dan menghias cupcake dengan ganache
Make ganace for topping and decorate cupcake with ganache topping 3. Membuat buttercream yang bertekstur dan rasa es krim, menghias cupcake dengan buttercream & beberapa ornamen lainnya. Make buttercream with texture ecorating cupcake with buttercream and other ornaments
Tiap peserta akan mendapatkan : Every participants will get
1. Cupcake hasil latihan cupcake as the result from the class
2. Makan siang lunch
3. Sertifikat certificate Minimal 3 peserta, maximal 5 peserta Minimum 3, maximum 5 participants
500 ribu/org (local)
Biaya Kursus Course Fee : 75 USD/person (expat)
Sabtu, 30 April 2011 Saturday, 30th April 2011 Jam 9.30 pagi s/d selesai From 9.30 am till finish
Menghias cupcake dengan fondant, termasuk MEMBUAT HIASAN BONEKA PRINCESS dari Fondant.
Decorating cupcake with fondant, including with MAKE PRINCESS DOLL from Fondant.
Materi Outlines
1. Membuat cupcake baking cupcake 2. Menutup cupcake dengan fondant to cover cupcake with fondant 3. Membuat bunga & daun (Mawar tangkai, buket mawar). Make flower & leaves (Single Rose, Rose Bouquet) 4. Membuat hewan (anjing, domba, gajah, kura-kura, beruang, monyet) Make animals (dog, sheep, elephant, turtle, bear, monkey) 5. Membuat ornamen bayi (bayi, dot bayi, sepatu bayi, dll) Make baby ornaments (baby, baby bottle, baby shoes, etc) 6. Membuat Manusia (pria & wanita) Make people (male, female) 7. Membuat boneka princess Make princess doll
Bonus : Membungkus minicake Bonus : Cover minicake
Tiap peserta akan mendapatkan Every participants will get : 1 . 1 kg fondant utk latihan 1 kg fondant for practice 2. Cupcake & minicake hasil latihan Cupcake & minicakes as the result of the class
3. Makan siang Lunch
4. Sertifikat Certificate Minimal 2 peserta, maximum 5 peserta. Minimum 2, maximum 5 participants
Biaya Kursus Course Fee : 950 ribu/org (local) |